Anderson K

A resident of Washington state, Anderson is the founder of the Coalition. Originally from New York City, he enlisted in the US Army as an Infantryman shortly after 9/11, while still too young to vote. He served as a Field Artillery officer and an Information Operations officer before retiring. His education includes a BS from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and an MBA and an MSBA (business analytics) from University of Washington.

He owns a small FFL business, which he found in pursuit of Happiness for the next chapter of his life. Always wanting to see shooting sports grow, recognizing that the next chapter of his life is under threat, and knowing the most recent wave of passed legislations wrecked havoc and will annihilate the industry and lives of many others, he found WSSIC in March 2024 to make a difference.

Pete S

Peter is a driven professional with a combined passion for strategic thinking and hands-on execution. His background in the U.S. Army Special Forces instilled in him the importance of leadership, teamwork, and achieving success in complex environments. He thrives in leading and motivating teams to achieve ambitious goals. Throughout his career, he has tackled complex projects, fostered collaborative environments, and implemented effective solutions.

Peter is currently pursuing an MBA at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, building upon his existing Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Strategic Studies. He is a lifelong learner with a dedication to continuous improvement.

Spencer O

Pending bio