The Threats – Snapshot

Under the leadership of AG Ferguson, Gov Inslee, and many polarized legislators under the influence of gun-control advocates and political action committees (PAC), Washington has taken much of our rights related to bearing arms. They have taken our rights to purchase standard capacity magazines and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. They have been largely successful with their disinformation campaign of demonizing firearms and users for political gains with no effect on saving lives. There is significant evidence to the contrary.

Now that their efforts in taking away individual rights are starting to show diminishing returns, the state’s polarized political leaders are now targeting the firearm industry. The recently passed House Bill 2118 (HB2118) and Senate Bill 5078 SB5078) are just the beginning. HB2118’s unreasonable infrastructure and security requirements are not even seen or required in any other industry, to include banking and marijuana. But it does violate our privacy. It mandates all surveillance to record conversations as well. Think about this for a second – I’m a law-abiding citizen but if my conversation is being recorded, I’m going to avoid that area. What effect will that have on the industry? For the record, Senator Manka Dhingra and her cohorts do not believe this is a violation of privacy because visible signs [as mandated by HB2118] suffice as consent. It is more reasonable to believe Dhingra and her cohorts do not respect our privacy. We are one step closer to becoming a surveillance state. 📹

Question for the lawyers – Does forced consent count as consent? Has any of the party consented? This is getting weird.

Dhingra’s logic dictates the state to require surveillance with conversation recording of medical provider appointments because of insurance frauds, which is exponentially more common. As long as signs are placed in visible locations, it’s ok. Thank you Spock 🖖 for this inspiration.

SB5078 and HB2118 is a set and spike combination, a volleyball reference, that will ultimately destroy the firearm industry in Washington with unaffordable insurance premiums. SB5078, titled FIREARM INDUSTRY – DUTIES – PUBLIC NUISANCE, ensures firearm dealers and manufacturers remain liable even if they are in compliance with all laws and regulations. HB2118 mandates all firearm dealers carry a general liability insurance policy of at least $1,000,000 of coverage per incident. What this translates to is any use of firearms, legal or illegal, can result in a lawsuit to the dealer or manufacturer. This set and spike combination ensures no insurance company will underwrite any member of the industry in this state with reasonable or affordable premiums – hence the destruction of the firearm industry in Washington.

For context, Remington was sued for $73 million for “irresponsible marketing” while there was a federal law that protects the industry from such suits. Imagine what would happen to the dealers and manufacturers now that SB5078 is in effect.

Let’s loop back to the title of SB5078 for a second, FIREARM INDUSTRY – DUTIES – PUBLIC NUISANCE, just pause and think about that for a moment…🤯

The polarized political leaders will not stop until they are stopped. If they are not stopped and they are successful, there will be no second amendment in Washington. Law abiding citizens will not have access to firearms on the legal market. Criminals will be emboldened and commit even more violent crimes. The effects will be similar to defunded and politically neutered law enforcement forces had on our society but much more extreme. Our current state of public safety crisis is already bad enough.

Almost forgot, good luck finding ammo. The same license to sell firearms is required to sell ammo in Washington. It is only a matter of time before they ban online sales of ammo.

Make no mistake. At the end of the day, gun-control is not about saving lives, it is about political gains.

Message to those living outside of Washington – Washington got the idea of targeting the industry from California. If we are not able to stop this here, this idea will spread to other vulnerable states.